When I was very young my father wrote me a letter ...and in this letter he said many things....The words touching my heart through time and space.......remember Ghia he said " to thine own self be true"...I wonder if he knew how that quote would stay with me? ...and always will.....When people around us don't support us...when the world seems crappy and horrible...there is that knowing that my father "knew"
from his Father...being true to what you know in your heart will never fail you...for the one inside is always true.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-- Concerning

all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance

of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely

commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one

that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the

decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and

material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and

magic in it. Begin it now."


Saturday, June 14, 2008



If any of you have ever seen Breakfast @ Tiffany's you realize that HBF...is huckleberry friend......if you haven't seen the movie...go rent it or buy it...( mind you it IS a little racy:) ) but in this magnificent piece of montage is a principle ...HBF don't come around that often....Good morning my huckleberry friend


Friday, June 13, 2008


WOW Friday the 13TH ....what a beautiful spectacular day this is today....I have much to do and to have God help me accomplish...starting with getting some sleep BUT after that much 2 do much 2 do.....How have y'all been? ...many day since I last posted...not because I don't love u but because I got distracted by pain...I had to do some of my own work...funny how we in the healing community SOMEtimes forget that we need r own down time to replenish...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO here I am ...glad to be back....

Joy Me.....

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Yesterday God spoke LOUD and clear through a non funny situation......this is what I got


Enough said

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Dear Reader,



P.S. What a wonderful world it is...

Sunday, May 18, 2008


The train is sounding off in the distance, at one point in life this held pain, or memory of pain, now it again brings back joy of times before the pain. This whistle bringing comfort that the past is the past...sleep comes, and my heart is content...I sleep as I choose to let go and allow God to restore all that has been stolen in my life...rejoice, rejoice for the day is dawning with mist and the heat of the day will soon be here, but first the sun must set.

Sleep, again I say sleep

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Can you believe this?...I just found the most amazing man on the Internet...He was being interviewed by some other man, any way that really does not matter to the story...the mans name is Yefim Shubentsov...check this out he has this ministry...well I call it ministry... I mean to be blessed by God to help people like this..amazing... Google him...I don't know much about his work...but what I came away with is this... anything is possible in God. If you have been having a crappy life for a day, or a crappy life for a year, you don't have to stay there...Cheers! life is meant to be good and lived well.

Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened...;)


WOW...can you imagine a life full of CHANGE, a life full of joy , of expectations of beauty...emotional support, and a life of nurturing love...what does that look like... for you? If you could paint a picture would it look like...beauty, serenity, majestic, pop artish, cartoonish? However it looks, whatever persona it takes on in your head and heart...there is one thing for sure...it is chalked full of Power.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


WHAT?....What is it ....is anyone loyal any more?...I feel like I am saying this over and over today ...(in my head)...what happened... we had a plan... not just a plan but a God plan ...a prayed out plan...WHAT HAPPENED...( she says with her head shaking back and forth)...I think I read to many mysteries at a young age...speaking about the third party comment...anyway... I am writing about this so not to cry...or scream...or just stare. That has to be the worst...staring in to space, wondering again...what happened...well full steam ahead....no man/woman holds an individuals destiny in their hand...even if their perception is this...again folks...can you understand my words about this...WHAT HAPPENED?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Have you ever noticed, that it is sometimes hard to find a good friend....that's not to say that the friends we have are not good but these are busy times...recently I have found the need to reach out for help...many in the helping community do not do this. I promised myself I would not become one of these types of folks...but you know sometimes the very thing we don't want to be... we become. So now I have re committed myself to the task of reaching out beyond my comfort. What I have found is this, that when we feel that our needs are not being met...meet anothers needs...and see what happens. God says what you plant you do get back...what are you and I planting in the days of our existence?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Watching your words

I was thinking about how many times I have said something I wish I could take back.Once something is released into the atmosphere it's out there...just out there for all to feast upon. Regrets are futile but learning from the things that we regret is utmost...Today let us speak in Joy...with kindness and let us have NO regrets...Cheers

Monday, May 12, 2008


Have you set out today to conquer the world, make your mark, do something extraordinary? Our days could be filled with hum drum depressive moments, or filled with opportunities GALORE...my choice ...your choice...WHAT will it BE?

Saturday, May 10, 2008