When I was very young my father wrote me a letter ...and in this letter he said many things....The words touching my heart through time and space.......remember Ghia he said " to thine own self be true"...I wonder if he knew how that quote would stay with me? ...and always will.....When people around us don't support us...when the world seems crappy and horrible...there is that knowing that my father "knew"
from his Father...being true to what you know in your heart will never fail you...for the one inside is always true.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Have you ever noticed, that it is sometimes hard to find a good friend....that's not to say that the friends we have are not good but these are busy times...recently I have found the need to reach out for help...many in the helping community do not do this. I promised myself I would not become one of these types of folks...but you know sometimes the very thing we don't want to be... we become. So now I have re committed myself to the task of reaching out beyond my comfort. What I have found is this, that when we feel that our needs are not being met...meet anothers needs...and see what happens. God says what you plant you do get back...what are you and I planting in the days of our existence?

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