When I was very young my father wrote me a letter ...and in this letter he said many things....The words touching my heart through time and space.......remember Ghia he said " to thine own self be true"...I wonder if he knew how that quote would stay with me? ...and always will.....When people around us don't support us...when the world seems crappy and horrible...there is that knowing that my father "knew"
from his Father...being true to what you know in your heart will never fail you...for the one inside is always true.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Can you believe this?...I just found the most amazing man on the Internet...He was being interviewed by some other man, any way that really does not matter to the story...the mans name is Yefim Shubentsov...check this out he has this ministry...well I call it ministry... I mean to be blessed by God to help people like this..amazing... Google him...I don't know much about his work...but what I came away with is this... anything is possible in God. If you have been having a crappy life for a day, or a crappy life for a year, you don't have to stay there...Cheers! life is meant to be good and lived well.

Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened...;)

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