When I was very young my father wrote me a letter ...and in this letter he said many things....The words touching my heart through time and space.......remember Ghia he said " to thine own self be true"...I wonder if he knew how that quote would stay with me? ...and always will.....When people around us don't support us...when the world seems crappy and horrible...there is that knowing that my father "knew"
from his Father...being true to what you know in your heart will never fail you...for the one inside is always true.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Watching your words

I was thinking about how many times I have said something I wish I could take back.Once something is released into the atmosphere it's out there...just out there for all to feast upon. Regrets are futile but learning from the things that we regret is utmost...Today let us speak in Joy...with kindness and let us have NO regrets...Cheers

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